Yves Saint Laurent's, Jardin Majorelle

Yves Saint Laurent's, Jardin Majorelle

So after our terrible experience, we recovered and were ready to explore the city once more. I mean, we weren't going to let one horrible person ruin it all for us, am I right? So off we went to the Yves Saint Laurent Garden, Jardin Majorelle. This home and garden were absolutely stunning. The vibrant colors and different plants from all over the world really gave this place an exotic vibe. Before I jump into the many many photos I want to post on this gorgeous place, let me tell you exactly what this place was and is now.

Jaques Majorelle was a french painter and amateur botanist that moved to Marrakech in the early 1920's. He purchased a palm grove (now known as Jardin Majorelle) and created a work of art with exotic plants from all over the world. Once his work of art was completed in 1947, he decided to open it to the public. In 1962, Jaques Majorelle passed and his garden went into abandon. It was in 1980 that the garden was to be demolished and sold to a big hotel company when Yves Saint Laurent and Pierre Berge stepped in. YSL and Pierre managed to to save and restore the land to the beautiful garden it is today. Upon YSL's death in 2008, Pierre donated the garden to the Foundation Pierre Berge - Yves Saint Laurent. The garden now has a bookstore, cafe and boutique.

Now to the photos...



The gardens were so amazingly beautiful!



And oh my goodness, the COLOR! It reminded me a bit of Frida Kahlo's house, La Casa Azul, in Coyoacan, Mexico.







This big lemon pot was awesome.





Here is a small gallery displaying cards Yves Saint Laurent made himself. Every year for New Years he would take the time to hand make cards for his close friends and colleagues. They were mainly collages made from different materials inspired by love itself.


The cards were so fun and colorful and perfect!


Some were very detailed. Imagine the time it took him to make some of these intricate cards. And to make to time to do this for his friends, such a thoughtful and creative man.



The photos i've shared definitely don't do this beautiful garden justice, simply stunning.




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